Excuse me?
From when this is random genre? This is just dressup game, with twist - the fact, that your creation is scored. Not that it is bad idea or what, just it fits genre requirements. This is NOT absolutely original, but that doesn't mean it is not enjoyable...
It would be good if it would come with career mode - scenarios (fashion events) requiring you to fit score limit and possibly some items selection? (Winter for winter event etc.)
Actually,for now, I would rate it better - if it just had WIDER WARDROBE CHOICE! It is basic in game like that... And here you have the in fact more accesories than clothes. I mean, why is there no dresses, trousers, jackets, why is there so narrow selection of shoes? List goes on.
So far, this is just better-than-average dressup, having some point. Not bad.