This is really good. Please add option to control the character with arrow keys and Z, it's so weird having to clump my hands so close to each other.
This is really good. Please add option to control the character with arrow keys and Z, it's so weird having to clump my hands so close to each other.
Hi !
Alright, i'll add it in the next update !
Take care !
Super janky. Enemies are really aggressive which kind of discourages playing it like a fun Mega Man style platformer, and encourages playing as safe as possible. Also camera seems to be a bit janky and sometimes player can go off screen when falling too fast.
Also if you're gonna make a story that is an afterthought and not very interesting, add an option to skip it.
It's not bad, could be great with more polish.
Thank you so much for the feedback.
Great game! Brilliantly captures feel of playing old shooters (despite being a sidescroller it kind of feels like old FPS games like Doom and Wolfenstein, but it also reminds me of games like Bio Menace), but also of old zombie movies. Exquisite. Run'n'gun with hitscan weapons is a brilliant idea that I only ever saw one other person do (game Receiver, also here on Newgrounds).
However, this is kind of marred by the level design. It really is a bit cheap, and often doesn't seem to take into account the fact that player needs to reload, so levels turn into endless running away - until you die. Perhaps a solution would
Dodge roll is kind of useless, it's very short, and because enemies use projectiles, you have about 50/50 chance of rolling AWAY from projectiles, which is a certain doom - as you will lose invincibility frames at around the same time the projectile catches up to you. I think a better idea instead of a dodge roll would be a crouch giving you invincibility, but player can't move, shoot or reload during crouch - but they can crouch for as long as they hold the button.
Also hidden faces in level 3 are just nonsense. If one jumps at you when your gun is empty, you pretty much HAVE to take a hit. Again - this is a game where player needs to reload, and you need to stand still to reload (and also stand still to shoot). Asking player to constantly run away from enemies is cheap nonsense with these mechanics. Especially later on leves turn into a bit of an enemy spam, and ridiculous amount of monster closets that just clog the screen with enemies. Come on.
Another criticism is that there should be an easily audible sound cue for completing a reload. I can't count how many times I accidentally cancelled a reload mid-animation.
However, the actual game feel is extremely great, and I would definitely pay money for a more polished version of this. Preferably with a smoother difficulty curve, and more carefully crafted levels. Level 1 is amazing, I just wish other levels were like that.
EDIT: Wait, I get the issue! It's a glitch! The Dude can reload one bullet at the time, but if the Chick cancels reload animation, she loses all reloaded ammo and goes back to square one. That makes her basically unplayable, even with her shorter reload. I didn't notice that since I immediately picked the Chick and played only as her.
I guess you guys should really playtest with all available characters, huh.
Can you please explain, what is this "glitch" that you wrote about more specifically? Canceling reload animation does not loose any already loaded ammo on my end. Also there is definitely sound indicating when reloading is finished.
Game is beatable with both characters on both difficulties, I can guarantee that.
Central concept is pretty good, but if I could have some suggestions: projectile graphics are all wrong. Enemy shots are small and of dull green color that blends into the background - they should be some vibrant color like white, yellow, magenta or red - and perhaps glowing. Shots of your ship are much more visible, even though you have little reason to look at them.
It isn't exactly fun to get hit by an enemy projectile that you couldn't see coming.
But other than that, a really good game! It was both innovative AND fun to play, which is not something you can always say about jam games!
Yeah, the enemy projectiles aren't as easily visible as they should be. Thanks for the feedback.
Nice! Only major suggestion I would have would be to make numbers in the HUD much more transparent, currently they really obstruct the view. But it's a really solid shooter!
Thank you for the review and suggestion! I definitely agree with this.
Music is irritating, you can find much longer and better loops on Newgrounds Audio Portal, on, or; In addition, there are no sound effects - a sound effect for jumping and dying could probably improve the game.
The playing field is WAY too big, on screens with smaller resolution it's impossible to see at once - remember that standards for web developers (who you technically are if you're making web games) is 1024x768! So overall, that made it completely unplayable for me.
Controls are responsive, but they just feel bad. Your character feels floaty because he falls a bit too fast, and he moves left and right to fast to feel like you're completely in his control. Also it appears there is no 'coyote time' and your character falls the instant you walk off a ledge - in platformers that feel well, generally there is 1-4 frames after walking off a ledge where you can still jump.
The core concept is solid - it's the execution that falters.
Thank you for the feedback. I will take your opinions into account for any future updates I decide to make if any (as this is a Jam Game). However, according to my own private playtests the coyote time is much greater than it should be; furthermore though I will look into the issues you highlighted.
Honestly, this isn't very good.
Yeah, it's good by Newgrounds standards (which aren't very high), but if you want to put it on Steam as a commercial game, you gotta try harder.
I will start that I like the retro low-poly graphical style. However, that is pretty much the only thing to commend here.
Music is... alright. I didn't really notice it, but it's not OFFENSIVE. Similarly, while voice acting is bad, it fits the style and atmosphere of the game.
Humour isn't good, and for a matter of fact - it's almost nonexistent. If you want to see how to make a funny spy movie parody as a game, I recommend playing NOLF games, or Jazzpunk - they did the same concept ten thousand times better. Hell, even Austin Powers stuff was funnier than this. None of the jokes (if we can call them that?) stick the landing, there is very little comedic timing. One actual joke - the parachute not opening - I actually missed because I pressed left-click several times trying to see what happens, and dialogue has overriden itself, ruining the joke.
Speaking of which, writing seems... unfinished. "We're still repairing your last escapade"? What happened to that poor escapade? :P
Gunplay feels very bad. The whole thing with bullets being physical projectile that come out of right side of the screen is ridiculous - it feels extremely bad, why not make it more like modern shooter? While there is some auto-aim, it's often glitchy, and e.g. it made it impossible to hit dudes on the beach level if they were too far away. I understand that you want to imitate N64 Goldeneye, but that game was releasing in mid-90s on a console with one analog stick, there is NO REASON to try to imitate its controls now. We're playing this on a PC, there's no need for auto-aim. Everyone knows how to aim at any point at a screen, pretty much everyone in the audience played an FPS once.
I mean, you could also make the game more complex! If enemies didn't die in one hit, maybe it'd be worth to add headshots, or something like that! There's a ton of ways to make shooting fun, and not a chore!
Guns feels extremely weak - they have no punch, they are inaccurate, sounds and visual effects are lame. Similarly, enemy death sounds are pathetic. As a result, mowing down enemies isn't even fun. Maybe look up some articles or videos on 'game feel' to spice it up a bit.
I've seen two weapons - the SMG and pistol - and SMG is only SLIGHTLY better than the pistol, considering that pistol shoots as fast as you can press mouse. Why not take a page from Doom's book and add a cool shotgun, or something like that?
Here's some people smarter than me talking about what I mean:
In addition, enemies aren't very challenging. There is NO REASON for melee enemies to die in one hit - it makes it almost impossible to die from them, especially since your default pistol has unlimited ammo and no need for reloading. For an experienced FPS player, combat will be pathetically easy - I recommend adding different difficulty levels, with current difficulty being "easy".
The only time I died from this game is from running out of time. Speaking of...
Level design were alright, if mediocre most of the time... except for when it's not clear which door was unlocked by the "7 ring" (speaking of which, what is the point of it outside of taking me out of the game? Couldn't you have just made a switch like in Doom?). At one point at a beach I just ran out of time because I had no idea where I was supposed to go next (door behind me was closed). I could've retried, except... game isn't fun. It's pretty boring, and I have no desire to keep playing it. If this was on Steam, this would be the point where I'd refund the game, and boot up Doom or Duke3D again.
Pacing is all over the place, too. The first thing you want to do is for player to do something interesting and exciting, NOT walk around in a lame base with no clear sense of objectives, what to do next, and possibility of accidentally exiting to main menu. Speaking of which - why is there no objectives? You're clearly riffing on N64 Goldeneye, but it and Perfect Dark DID have unique objectives in every level, and weren't just corridors filled with enemies.
In addition to that, level designs lack anything interesting or memorable about them. There's no gimmick, no setpieces, no interesting mechanics - nothing interesting or original. It's just pointless corridors filled with enemies. Nothing to remember the levels I played by.
Why should I play this game over any OTHER fps on the market? Because if you can't answer that question, maybe you should seriously rework how your game works.
Riding on nostalgia alone won't take you far.
"you want to put it on Steam as a commercial game, you gotta try harder."
(93% rated of 828 reviews)
(92% rated of 155 reviews)
This title is still in development, still you made some good points! I'll take them under consideration,
Thanks for your feedback,
Age 33
Joined on 4/10/11